If you would like to have flowers put on the altar for a special intention—a memorial, anniversary, birthday, or other intention—you can make your request through the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Narthex. The usual stipend is $45, and payment may be made by cash, check, or PayPal. Cash or checks may be turned in at the parish office or put in the collection plate at Sunday Mass. Make sure to note on your payment which date you are signing up for and the intention.
In addition to the small votive candles located by the various shrines in the Church, which you can light at any time (the usual stipend for these is $1), several larger candles that burn for a week are available for your intentions.
Make your request through the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Narthex. The usual stipend is $5, and payment may be made by cash, check, or PayPal. Cash or checks may be turned in at the parish office or put in the collection plate at Sunday Mass. Make sure to note on your payment which date you are signing up for and the intention.