Mass intentions are wonderful things. One of the best things you can do to commemorate an event or remember a loved one, living or dead, is to have a Mass said for them. Here at SMV, we do not allow Mass intentions for Sunday Masses—those are for our parishioners. But daily Masses, Monday through Saturday, are available for people to sign up to dedicate that Mass for a specific intention, purpose, or remembrance. The only exception to this is on Holy Days of Obligation or Holy Week Masses. Those Masses are set aside for the whole congregation, just as are Sundays.
In the past, we have had some problems making the signups equitable, especially for newer parishioners, so we are instituting the following procedures and limits.
We will open Mass intentions on a quarterly basis, the first of the month BEFORE the quarter begins:
Each FAMILY may sign up for 3 intentions during the early signup period. They can be spaced however you want them. (One each month, three in one month, it doesn't matter!)
Once the early signup period is over and the quarter has begun, each FAMILY may request up to 3 additional intentions for the quarter, if there is space left. While there is no perfect system, we think this is the fairest way to allocate the spaces.
Since we are beginning this in the middle of the year, (June, 2024), intentions already on the books will be honored—even if the quarter in not technically "open" yet. But going forward, these guidelines will be in effect. No Mass intentions for October will be accepted until September 1.
To sign up for a Mass intention, drop by or call the Church office during office hours, or send an email to [email protected]. The usual stipend for Mass intentions is $10. You can pay by check, cash, or PayPal. Make sure that you make a notation on the payment that it is for Mass intentions. We also have cards available to send out to let people know of your intention. You may pick one up in the Parish Office.